All modern solar technological advances (solar panels, parabolic steam mirrors, light-gate computers etc) are driven by the search for CHEAP ELECTRICITY, even though the world of plants has PROVEN that you don't need an electrical system to make full use of solar power.
I (was gonna say that I) can't understand why the Scientific Community isn't investing in making useful solar technological devices that use and are driven solely by the power of the sun's radiation.
Here's how PHOTO-SYNTHESIS works, the basic principles of plants extracting 'work' from sunlight.
I often hear, "Mike, direct solar power will never be enough," of course it won't when most of the stuff you're using to convert from solar to electricity are REDUNDANT consumer gadgets and distractions from real living.
I'd love to see some sort of crazy PHOTO-SYNTHETIC-BRAIN that was Engineered but Organic, parallel-feeding itself only with sun light and storing excess solar energy in a 'coiling system' that could be utilised under cloud, under cover or at night. I'd love to see people LIVING during the day and SLEEPING (or partying) during the night. None of this ridiculous 'having to set a useless alarm clock to make the clock-in time' when the Sun can be your clock and your sustainance.
But then you'll get people saying, "Yeah but what about all those life-support machines people need, the technological life-saving essentials" and I think we've already covered this.
Why aren't technological 'organic' systems being made that could alter their internal structure based on the processing of light at the data-as-energy input? Why aren't organic batteries being COILED during the day for RELEASE at night? Why aren't light-screens following the sun so that they'll always produce a perfect image, colour fed organically by the sun? Then I remembered, PROFIT.
There's no PROFIT in 'brains' that use FREE SOLAR ENERGY, that's why You The Consumer get screwed by every new three-year-consumable. Consumerist Planet is DOOMED, I tell ya. DOOMED.