This ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCE THAT generates ENERGY with gas and steam turbines. The majority of high-capacity using natural gas and in particularHigh power can be generated by a combination of gas and steam turbines in a cyclical fashion. It also comes less exhaust gas burned.
The most commonly used for houses for purposes such as cooking, operating furnaces, cooling and heating, central heating and clothes dry. At a broader level that can be used to run furnaces, boilers and heating.
Tupolev, Russian aircraft producer to exploit the research results of liquefied natural gas in combination with a hydrogen fuelaircraft. The advantages of using this hybrid fuel, produce more ENERGY for every calorie of fuel and air cool engine for greater compression efficiency and reduce the temperature of gases. And much cleaner than current jet fuel use. Not only is an effective source of hydrogen using the hydrogen reformer.
Natural gas is definitely a better incentive to use it is the biggest problem with using this source ofSTORAGE and transport OF ENERGY because it has a lower density. Pipelines natural wonder is safer and cheaper, but not a good choice for laying on the oceans.
Carried out over the ocean using natural gas in liquid form, the truck carrier to transport natural gas in compressed form. Transport gas or directly to a dealer who then distribute the gas, the second method may be due to the length of the level of maintenance required.
Firstbe used effectively as an ENERGY SOURCE, was burned as fuel or waste burning when it was extracted with the oil. The gas again this circular to repair at a later date, he returned oil pump is also easier due to high pressure underground. A revolutionary concept that has arisen from this is the use of landfills produce methane, which is then used to generate electricity.
Natural gas is cleaner than designatedfossil fuels that produce less carbon and goods and of itself is a gas that global warming may increase at a rate faster than carbon dioxide. This is not a serious problem if it is released in large quantities.