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The use of wind power is like endlessly viable alternative energy source. The most off cited reason is that there is zero pollution associated with the use of wind based power. However, there is an additional benefit that some may not be aware of. Wind is available in abundance anywhere and everywhere on the earth. This makes wind a much more pragmatic source of energy since exploration and excavation is not part of the equation. With such a high supply of available wind power, the costs associated with energy can be greatly reduced. This leads to questions as to why wind farms are not more prevalent in a society that has great needs and demands for energy. Unfortunately, wind power is far from a perfect concept and there are some common disadvantages associated with employing its use. Here is a look at some of those disadvantages: Surely, you have noticed that some days the wind blows fiercely while other days it does not. While this is not all that bad for someone simply out on a stroll, for those that require a certain amount of wind to produce a desired quota of renewable energy, such lack of "reliability" on the element's part can prove severely problematic. Basically, when the wind does not blow the wind turbines cannot possible produce energy. Such limitations on the ability to reliably generate wind power have slowed its growth in the energy market. Speaking of wind turbines, there are certain problems with these electricity producing propeller-like devices. For the turbines to produce a heaping amount of energy, the turbines must be placed in a region that is free from obstructions. But, where is such "free space" available? Well, if space exists it certainly would not be free. More than likely, it will come with high rental, lease, or purchase costs. Such costs can cut into the cost-efficiency of the farms and make them unviable. Wind farms and turbines and sometimes not met with a lot of enthusiasm by populations in urban areas. This can be considered ironic since such regions are incredibly reliant on high energy consumption in order to thrive. So, why is there an aversion to wind turbines on the part of the populace? Wind turbines can be very noisy which can undermine the peace and quiet people seek. Also, the presence of wind farms can encroach on private and commercial properties which may potentially lower their equity. In short, you save money on energy but lose the value of your property. Lastly, no matter how you approach the development of wind power, fossil fuel use will be required to support such a venture. The production, transportation, and even the design of wind power will require traditional oil and coal based energy production to create. This is a simple, unavoidable fact. Do not consider any of these assessments to be an admonishment against the use of wind power. Wind power has many scores of benefits to it and they are all worth exploring. Yes, disadvantages exist but that is true of all energy sources whether they be traditional or modern renewable forms.