Solar Panel Installations Reach Record Numbers

Solar Panel Installations Reach Record Numbers Image
Installers could benefit from the fast uptake of solar panels in UK homes. Figures from Ofgem show that a record number of homeowners had solar panels installed this month (August). Ofgem revealed that there were 1,400 homes fitted with solar panels in June, rising to 1,700 in July. However, so far this month there have been 2,257 homes installing the renewable energy technology, reported.

The news provider suggested that the feed-in tariff, which pays people 41.3p for every unit of energy they generate, has encouraged the uptake since it was introduced on April 1st. Homeowners can earn money from the energy they generate for 25 years after the panels are installed and the Energy Saving Trust has estimated that the average property can generate lb700 a year from the government scheme, as well as save around lb100 on energy bills.

The trend could continue as more utility firms offer customers incentive schemes, such as funding the installation process.

Credit: [Emily Thomas]