It is also likely to materially expand to make up the production shortfall brought on by the forced closure of Fukushima, simply because it can do so quickly. That is always beyond the capability of large power plants whether nuclear, coal, or even geothermal.
The take home lesson from Fukushima is that large central power plants are terribly vulnerable to a single event.
We have also learned that facilities not designed to withstand a once in a thousand year event has a 40/1000 chance of disaster over a forty year lifespan. A.04 chance is significantly more serious and likely that a.001 chance. That tsunami was predictable as are similar tsunamis anywhere along the ring of fire.
That is was not properly designed for is another example of expediency overriding good engineering sense by decision makers who knew they would likely never be around to answer to it all.
"As the world collectively holds its breath to see how the Fukushima crisis plays out (the quote of the day has got to be: "The worst-case scenario doesn't bear mentioning and the best-case scenario keeps getting worse...") there's a positive story which is not yet being reported."
"Despite assertions by its detractors that wind energy would not survive an earthquake or tsunami the Japanese wind industry is still functioning and helping to keep the lights on during the Fuksuhima crisis."Wind Farm in Japanby rjzii"
"Colleagues and I have been directly corresponding with Yoshinori Ueda leader of the International Committee of the Japan Wind Power Association ">
"Mr. Ueda confirms that most Japanese wind turbines are fully operational. Indeed, he says that electric companies have asked wind farm owners to step up operations as much as possible in order to make up for shortages in the eastern part of the country:"
"Eurus Energy Japansays that 174.9MW with eight wind farms (64% of their total capacity with 11 wind farms in eastern part of Japan) are in operation now. The residual three wind farms (Kamaishi 42.9MW, Takinekoshirai 46MW, Satomi 10.02MW) are stopped due to the grid failure caused by the earthquake and Tsunami. Satomi is to re-start operations in a few days. Kamaishi is notorious for tsunami disaster, but this wind farm is safe because it is locate in the mountains about 900m high from sea level."
"The largest wind farm operator in Japan, Eurus Energy with about 22% of all wind turbines in Japan, is a subsidiary of Tokyo Electric Company (TEPCO) which operates the Fukushima nuclear facility. Right now, it is likely the company is very happy about its diversified portfolio:"
"While shares in the Tokyostock market have fallen during the crisis, the stock price of Japan Wind Development Co. Ltd. has risen from 31,500 yen on 11 March to 47,800 yen on 16 March."
Credit: [Christopher Mims,Kelly Rigg]
Source: [,]