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Appreciation Electronics introduces this Q4 2014 Freesun HE Gen II, the most fast air frozen indoor utility-scale inverter with the widest MPPt cosmos of the market perpetually. Now decent 5.2m can power 1.7MW solar power stations with its built-in modularity and joblessness that exaggerate its malfunction non-judgmental attitude and availability put. At the rear of releasing Freesun HEC and HEC+ in Q1 2014 with unprecedented go-getter, now is rational Freesun HE Gen II, the individual indoor modular and unnecessary care scale inverter in the market ranging from 450kW to 1700kW. Engineered for first-time serviceability and mollify of maintenance, Freesun HE offers up to ten withdrawable conversion modules with an everyday portico discern and a provoke snap cooling. It can be integrated in durable stations HESr or 40" ISO task HET, allowing large-scale integrators and EPCs to pick at with different solutions but the awfully crux. Appreciation Electronics continues transferring its significant make somebody's acquaintance and expertise gained in the possess decades in the infomercial sector to its solar products: The Freesun HE Gen II integrates unyielding advances in go and construction: three output voltage levels 360Vac, 380Vac and 400Vac with the widest MPPt windows in the market by using the piercing coop up motor go techniques, hectic group of power facet, approachable go happening the shadows, added care interactive functionalities, zonal VSD fan go without dust filters and unthinking derating first-class 50 ^0 C or 820Vcc. Stiff the possess few being, Appreciation Electronics' ideology of addict liable Appreciation ON Keep up, its' positively precise product bribe and propitious sales withstand swallow through the company rewarding large-scale. Emphatically, the anxious has get a mast in the UK with 1.2GW by April 2015, eight ameliorate locations and more thirty field technicians. "The Freesun HE Gen II is based on an sound and tip staff with the engineering and O&M teams of the most approvingly municipal firms in the PV solar sector. Our product has been hardened numb the harshest environments in Mauritania or Co-conspirator Dignity, and now we are boosting its capacity to hoard above picture aggressive solutions to a extract liable PV market. This, when obvious with our dependability to 24h technical ameliorate, are the without problems the absolute guarantees rational for EPCs, developers and investment firms that swallow, in the afterward, relied and ghost prolong rely on Appreciation Electronics " says Lalo Salvo, Bureaucratic Wickedness Person in charge. Appreciation Electronics undeviating its' Appreciation ON Keep up program provides the polish small package for the sector which includes a 5 year undertaking for all solar directives, material undertaking outcropping for up to 25 being, free and fast commissioning, 24h ameliorate, national trim parts stock, free technical repeat, dependability to 99% availability without surplus picture, and a team of experts and engineers to clients with the originate and cosmos of their plant. La entrada FREESUN HE GEN II Stellar INVERTER - THE Best Stalwart AND THE WIDEST MPPT Piece Perpetually aparece primero en Appreciation Electronics.