After recognition of New Town as a Solar City by MNRE, quite a few steps have been taken in New Town to take steps to reduce carbon footprint in the town. Some of these are as follows:
1. 500 KW canal-top solar power project: Project formulated in consultation with WBREDA and BESU. Work started.
2. Floating Solar Panel in Smritibon: Project planning started by Green Energy Corporation.
3. Solar Trees in Eco Park: Two trees installed at Gate 3 by BESU on pilot basis
4. Extensive use of LEDs, instead of Sodium Vapour / Metal Halides in street lights
5. Construction of a Green Utility Building in collaboration with technical wing of CII
6. Giving incentives for adoption of green building norms
7. Use of LED signage
8. Holding awareness camps with citizens: Coal India Complex, Rabi Rashmi etc have used energy efficient devices and solar panels in a big way
9. Plan to use e-Rickshaws, motion detectors and net-metering systems.
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Here are three press clippings:
Anandabazar dt 22.8.2014