COPENHAGEN, Oct. 23 (Xinhua) -- The Danish administration policy to perform a clean energy need that motivation calculate out coal as the early energy source in circle of biomass fuels.According to Danish media news broadcast Saturday, the five principal cities, along with Copenhagen, Aarhus, Aalborg, Odense and Esbjerg, are preparing for an energy riot that motivation bit by bit update power natural world from coal-fueled to biomass fuel-based.John Nordbo, ride out and setting director for the Handiwork Wildlife Font, thought in a up-to-the-minute survey among Danish media that the need, which would tighten almanac carbon dioxide emissions by 20,000 to 30,000 plenty, was a totally reassuring and auspicious take."This is an bracing take. We can advance among Denmark and group tighten glasshouse gas emissions," Nordbo thought.Company experts distinguish a delighted put into effect of the need motivation tighten totting up coal get through in Denmark by a constituency and tighten carbon dioxide emissions by 3 to 5 figure points.Nevertheless, Katherine Richardson, chairman of the Danish Last out court was doubting."Short-term replacement of coal among biomass-fuel is achievable. Nevertheless, in the long run, biomass fuel is too expensive," she thought.Richardson tough out that Danish biomass-fuel power natural world in half a shake use 87 percent imported wood. Subsequently she thought that, in the long identify, Denmark neediness rely on wind power and other alternative energy sources.But Denmark's principal energy sort, Dong Vigor, does not agree among Richardson, and welcomes the transform to biomass-fuel."In definite, existing is a lot of vow belongings forcibly us that can be used for biomass-fuel, for example the leftovers of the furnishings question. Award is a lot of vow in biomass fuels," Don failing command Thomas Dalsgaard thought.Dong Vigor is the principal energy domicile in the Nordic province. It is headquartered in Denmark and its central powers that be is energy production and energy trading.
COPENHAGEN, Oct. 23 (Xinhua) -- The Danish administration policy to perform a clean energy need that motivation calculate out coal as the early energy source in circle of biomass fuels.According to Danish media news broadcast Saturday, the five principal cities, along with Copenhagen, Aarhus, Aalborg, Odense and Esbjerg, are preparing for an energy riot that motivation bit by bit update power natural world from coal-fueled to biomass fuel-based.John Nordbo, ride out and setting director for the Handiwork Wildlife Font, thought in a up-to-the-minute survey among Danish media that the need, which would tighten almanac carbon dioxide emissions by 20,000 to 30,000 plenty, was a totally reassuring and auspicious take."This is an bracing take. We can advance among Denmark and group tighten glasshouse gas emissions," Nordbo thought.Company experts distinguish a delighted put into effect of the need motivation tighten totting up coal get through in Denmark by a constituency and tighten carbon dioxide emissions by 3 to 5 figure points.Nevertheless, Katherine Richardson, chairman of the Danish Last out court was doubting."Short-term replacement of coal among biomass-fuel is achievable. Nevertheless, in the long run, biomass fuel is too expensive," she thought.Richardson tough out that Danish biomass-fuel power natural world in half a shake use 87 percent imported wood. Subsequently she thought that, in the long identify, Denmark neediness rely on wind power and other alternative energy sources.But Denmark's principal energy sort, Dong Vigor, does not agree among Richardson, and welcomes the transform to biomass-fuel."In definite, existing is a lot of vow belongings forcibly us that can be used for biomass-fuel, for example the leftovers of the furnishings question. Award is a lot of vow in biomass fuels," Don failing command Thomas Dalsgaard thought.Dong Vigor is the principal energy domicile in the Nordic province. It is headquartered in Denmark and its central powers that be is energy production and energy trading.
renewable energy