The heating of swimming pools with solar energy is very possible, since these temperatures are easily achievable by efficient systems that take advantage of all daylight hours, as they have to heat large volumes of water, and while the flow of water is high level thermal relatively low for these teams.
Applications of solar thermal energy equipment can be deployed both into smaller pools to large sports complex Balearia both private and municipal, should take into account several factors including the number of liters of water, the temperature of the entering the system, the solar radiation in our town, as you can make a calculation of the amount of equipment needed, debindose conduct a study of each case has to be borne in mind that for this investment can be profitable exit amortized short time the system we choose to be highly efficient, there are many systems today. The most famous is the flat solar panels, they usually fit well on rooftops, the problem is that these teams perform at 25%, besides suffering from heat stagnation, another factor is the amount of space needed for amount of collectors who need the installation is not always enough. Another system that is making a market for its high efficiency are the teams of solar concentration, the more effective are those that concentrate in addition to solar radiation, have a tracking system, there are an axis and two axes, these last are more efficient because they always receive perpendicular sunlight, thanks to its ability to track the sun, taking advantage of solar energy for more time and requiring less space, according to the calculations of efficiency, these machines are 262% ms efficient than flat panels, their efficiency is constant exceeding 85% in addition to that usually raise the temperature more than 90C, can also be used for showers and Jacuzzi bathtub and that most of the sports centers have this type of facilities.
These solar energy systems, as well as being use renewable energy from the sun, Sern a great help to significantly reduce the time of the purchase of fuel, and amortizacin is due to the decrease of the consumption of these fuels, and price fluctuations to which estn subject. It is also important to note that these systems have government subsidies for purchase by making the initial investment is less, besides the maintenance is minimal, because these systems besides the energy savings produced by avoiding producing greenhouse gases.