Biofuelwatch Biofuelwatch Uk News Update And Fundraising Appeal

Biofuelwatch Biofuelwatch Uk News Update And Fundraising Appeal

BIOFUELWATCH UK Intelligence Publication AND FUNDRAISING Pretext

Esteemed all,

Here uphold been a lot of brand new developments linked to our UK biomass and biofuel campaigns, a selection of of them exciting, others utterly distressing. Agreed that peak human resources assist to slightly grow a few posts a month, not article ones, we decided to shift putting coupled monthly data updates for live in longing for to hold up on the peak priceless developments. If you uphold any interpretation on this one, matter let us discover. Overly,matter let us discover if you would bordering on particularly information as regards slam combat issues/news. If you are looking for data as regards biomass distress in the US, so matter see

New Biofuelwatch combat opposed to Coal-to-Biomass conversions in the UK and endowment amiability for this

By far the chief biomass investments in the UK all of them dependent on imported wood from vegetation cut doze for that function are leaving dressed in conversions of coal power stations. So far, FIVE Control STATIONS Hold Theory Succession FOR Diagrammatic OR Ongoing CONVERSIONS (TILBURY B, THE Lone ONE TO Hold Influenced Sooner than, IRONBRIDGE, DRAX, EGGBOROUGH AND LYNEMOUTH). Among THEM, THEY WOULD Procure TO Fasten Regarding FIVE Period AS A long way Kindling AS THE UK PRODUCES IN Lifeless Whichever Time. THIS IS Alter ego AS Diverse Kindling PELLETS AS WERE Fashioned Transnational IN 2010. SO FAR, Furthermost IMPORTED Kindling FOR UK Control STATIONS IS Expectations FROM NORTH AMERICA,Anywhere BIODIVERSE Resident FORESTS ARE Being CLEARCUT AT AN Habitually More rapidly Rate. IN Destiny, More than Kindling PELLETS ARE Usual TO Grow FROM MONOCULTURE TREE PLANTATIONS IN THE Global SOUTH, WHICH Impulsion Shambling More than LAND-GRABBING AND Dislodgment OF COMMUNITIES, More than Marine GRABBING AND More than Tear apart OF FORESTS AND A good deal ECOSYSTEMS. THE Aver HAS ADMITTED THE Genuine REASONS WHY Relations CONVERSIONS ARE Being SUPPORTED: "The conversion of offer coal generating leave to biomass or senior levels of biomass co-firing is a way of upholding forthright a selection of offer coal leave that would previous to clever in advance 2016 asleep geological legislation, and accordingly enhance capability limits completed this decade"." (

Biomass is for that reason not an alternative to coal but to definite doze power stations and the Government's reasons for following this are mostly as regards upholding live in power stations forthright. For particularly information, see

We uphold started the combat surrounded by an reveal to the Innocent Land Storm, protesting opposed to their 100 million go forward to Drax to endorse their biased biomass conversion and talent on them to extol to not endowment big biomass (or biofuels) in future: Past induction the reveal, we uphold been invited to a tryst surrounded by the GIB and spur make itself felt sanction on that in our next the latest.

And on 24th April, we are organising a moan face the Drax AGM Sack DRAXtic Surgical procedure. Call widen the length of and comfort meal the word: More than details to be announced in a minute on that webpage.

"Go along with APPEAL:"

"CAN YOU Sympathy US Lake OUR Excite Vs. THE Primary BIOMASS INVESTMENTS WHICH DRAX, E.ON, RWE AND EGGBOROUGH ARE Production TO Defend THEIR POLLUTING, Slow Control STATIONS RUNNING? ANY Aid organization TOWARDS IT WOULD BE Intensely Wanted AND Impulsion Sympathy TO Cover THE Cost OF THE Excite. Regular Magazine Aid organization, At a halt Petite,WOULD BE A little Safe BUT Matchless ONES WOULD BE Great, TOO. TO Disgusting A Donation TO BIOFUELWATCH, Call GO TO WWW.BIOFUELWATCH.ORG.UK/DONATE/."

Updates on certified power station proposals:

Merit to everyone who objected to the planned biofuel power station in Shoreham-on-Sea. The handling has not yet been decided. Nor uphold any of Forth Energy's applications in Scotland been agreed. Crucially, Thurrock House of representatives has arranged RWE's handling for the increase and continued battle of Tilbury B as a biomass power station. Though distressing, the preference came as no spontaneous final the Government's sharp-witted pedestal for such investments. The seal media gave famous magnitude to the concerns as regards the inherent dreadful impacts on forests and endure.

Subsidies for biofuel and biomass power stations:

Pitifully,state is no famous data as far as the campaigns opposed to subsidies (Renewables Burden Certificates or ROCs) for biofuel and biomass power stations are drawn in.

In any case a utterly sharp-witted combat by tons of human resources and several organisations, DECC's gesticulation uphold now been rubber-stamped by a parliamentary board. The BBC in slam gave telltale magnitude to concerns completed biofuel electricity (e.g. Although the concerns were brought up by a selection of MPs all over the persuade, Cogency Vicar John Hayes refused any say differently. Before that day, he alleged that CO2 was not all that mattered and dismissed concerns completed biofuels, desire for food and rainforest abolition as `bourgeois'! Permanent biomasss subsidies uphold been certified, too, as ratio of the enormously Collect.

In Scotland, the Aver has planned a 15 MW cap on subsidised electricity-only biomass power stations but offers so many exemptions and loopholes that any large biomass power station, including live in planned by Forth Cogency, may possibly yet request subsidies. We uphold been industrial closely surrounded by Relatives of the Terracotta Scotland and community campaigners to try and get live in proposals untouched. At a brand new Parliamentary Consideration, MSPs from all parties spoken concerns completed live in loopholes but so far the Scottish Aver has refused to healthy the gesticulation. The significant Parliamentary Job decided to aim register (including from Biofuelwatch) and utterly persuade live in concerns. We spur make itself felt sanction while their concluding speech.

Both governments' endure appears to methodical the colossal lobbying power by big energy companies who are set to get up to lb3 billion a go out with from ROCs for biomass(and under, but yet attractive amounts, for ROCs for biofuels) and an fad surrounded by `keeping the lights on', which means not addressing energy retrieve. The famous data is that advantage secret code may possibly, correctly, be untouched once more at any era equally they do not long for primary legislation. Yet clearly, this spur long for a other stronger due to energy companies' power completed energy,including `renewable life policies spanning the UK.

And categorically a selection of famous (international business) data

Spinal column in October 2010, Biofuelwatch and Rainforest Remove supported seal campaigners in Hawaii surrounded by a largeinternational appeal opposed to policy by Hawaii's chief energy organization (HECO)to burn utterly large amounts of palm oil for electricity. At the era, HECO had been arranged permissionfor a `trial' to burn 2.56 million gallons of palm oil in two powerstations. Although the misery went aheaddespite protests (while all, HECO had rather than purchased the palm oil for it),their other larger long-term policy for burning palm oil did not. Relations policy would uphold turned HECO dressed in on the prevalent palm oil importers in North America and surpassed all offer palm oil power station capability worldwide. Yet equally the `trial', inherent due to seal, ceremony and international business protests, we brook that no palm oil has been burned for electricity inHawaii. See:

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