A clear advantage for using this type of material as a source of power is that it is renewable, unlike more traditional fossil fuel sources that have been used more intensively up to now. It also serves as a useful means of controlling production of waste, a real problem in some economies.
The use of this kind of fuel source also has advantages when it comes to cost. The expenses of power generation are kept to a minimum as what is produced is usually intended for use in the area where the conversion of the material into power takes place. A good example of this is the city of Sheffield in England, which produces much of its own power thanks to efficient use of waste products.
Using Biomass Energy: Pros And Cons
However, there are a number of drawbacks. Some of the gases emitted into the atmosphere during the production processes, such as methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide can be harmful to the ozone layer. Recycling waste into usable forms can often place a great demand on resources such as water, and it also requires a large amount of space to construct a plant to do it.
There are BIOMASS ENERGY PROS AND CONS to consider when assessing whether using this kind of fuel can be a positive thing. However, in an age where sources of fuel and power are becoming increasingly scarce and unable to cope with likely future demand, using alternative fuels could well be the answer to a number of the world's problems.