1.) Wind - the price of wind energy has dropped 85% in the past twenty years. Imagine if this administration actually tried to help out.
2.) Enhance the energy grid's efficiency (ie, move smaller power generation closer to a source)
3.) Hybrid cars - if all American cars were switched to plug-in Hybrids, oil consumption would drop 70-90% overnight
4.) Ethanol - only this country could look to a process (corn) that makes things worse. Sugar, cellulosic, that's where we need to go
5.) Solar - two things need to happen - improve energy efficiency (currently only 15-30%) and make it portable (no, not watches)
6.) Hydrogen power - already twice as efficient as gas combustion engines
7.) Ocean - this was awesome. Portugal will soon start powering 15,000 homes; tidal currents are 10 to 40 times as energy dense as wind
8.) Geothermal - tap the earth's internal heat...although knowing us, we'll find a way to turn it off
9.) Biomass (waste) - 1500 cows can produce 1.8 million KW of energy
10.) Negawatts - turn out the lights when you leave the room dammit!