How is solar energy used without expensive skylights? Solar tubes can be used in the place of skylights. These amazing reflective tubes are inexpensive and easy to install. Very versatile and small in size, they can be used to store light and use it later during the night. These money-savers also have helpful add-ons like light control switches and light fixtures.
You may have not thought about it, but you can charge many of the batteries you use every day with solar power. Small, transportable and low in cost, you simply place them in a sunny area to collect light from the sun. This small backpack-looking device can then attach to your laptop, iPod or other personal electronic device. The sun's light is transferred to electric power, and you are saving money right away, as well as preserving the environment. Check Richie Vee's website to find how to choose the best solar energy panel that will help you eliminate your expensive energy bills.
How is solar energy used for cooking? With the growing popularity of solar ovens for both in the home and outdoor applications, cooking can mean saving the environment and money. Varying in size from portable tin-foil ovens to in-the-kitchen permanent installation, they work by directing the sun's rays to a pinpoint. Mother nature and your pocketbook will both thank you.
Using solar energy to heat a pool or pond is just one of many outdoor applications. When you think of the cost to heat several hundred thousands of gallons of water it only makes sense to save money with the sun's energy. Environmentally friendly solar panels are used to catch, hold and and use heat when needed.
There are things you can do to protect the environment, save money, and reduce your carbon footprint which do not cost you a penny. Why not use sunlight from your window and shut off a few lights? If there is sun and good weather, have a family outing and shut down the thermostat. Did you know that you can make "sun tea" by placing a gallon of water with a tea bag in the sun's path for a few hours? This saves using electricity or gas to boil water. These simple tips will get you thinking conservation and not consumption.
Looking to find out how to do your own DIY solar power projects. then visit the so you can find the best solar power advice on for you.