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Published: Elegant 24, 2010 Germany -- Researchers from the Germany Heart for Planetary Advocate and Hydrogen Schoolwork (ZSW) ply spoiled a new efficiency express for thin-film copper indium gallium diselenide solar cells. The responsibility of the world express cell is 0.5 regular centimeters. The semiconducting CIGS layer and the get to layers ply a complete clumsiness of purely four thousandths of a millimeter, making them 50 epoch thinner than prime example silicon cells. The researchers twisted a 20.3 percent efficient cell, purely a share underneath than the do better than multi-crystalline cells on the market. However, producing a cell in a lab is a good deal different than mass production. CIGS cells usually constitute about 10-11 percent a long time ago man-made in large attendance. The responsibility of the world express cell is 0.5 regular centimeters. The semiconducting CIGS layer and the get to layers ply a complete clumsiness of purely four thousandths of a millimeter, making them 50 epoch thinner than prime example silicon cells. CIGS cells ply customary a lot of woe in undercurrent vivacity because of their high-ceilinged efficiency. But scaling the technology exterior of the lab has been difficult because of the deception of manufacturing. Normal companies ply been bogged swallow in building new manufacturing military protection and ply burned scheduled profuse amounts of treasury with little to ruminate. Incoming the as soon as vivacity, the efficiency of the wholly cut-rate CIGS thin-film solar modules impulsion stall from about 11 percent to about 15 percent, say ZSW researchers. The meditate is: Order companies be able to in recent times capitalize on that efficiency gain? Or impulsion they embrace to be bogged swallow by high-ceilinged treasury desires and low product volumes? Accurate companies, class the start-up Functional Quantum Technologies, ply prudent from the problems that ply feel sad CIGS producers and are steal a supercilious modular, incremental stock to building manufacturing military protection. One of the adult companies in the CIGS leave, MiaSole, announced this week that it impulsion be supplying the developer juwi Planetary with 7.5 MW of modules for projects in Germany. Miasole thought quicker this engagement that it would ship out of the frame 20-MW of product. However, it is in spite of this unclear if it impulsion power point that a good deal in the spare of 2010. -- Scotts Constrictingscottscontracting@gmail.com See the huge article at