This amounts to sheer waste of money for energy. Utilizing sun's energy is simple matter Solar panels are readily available and you can install one of them on your terrace or in the backyard.
The electric power generated through the use of solar panel will be sufficient to meet all domestic needs including electric appliances. The saving in money is considerable.
With the economy running into difficulties, it is the ideal time for going green. By simple installation of solar panels on top of the house of my parents, has enabled my father to save a lot of money and get the house evaluated at a higher price.
By going green, there has been an additional benefit to my parents by way of a good tax cut. Neighbors also want solar panels and have asked me to help them out. My charge is about 100o per household. This is very nominal amount. It only covers a small percentage of the price I will have to pay for various parts required to assemble the panels.
Solar and wind energy generation is a simple process. The panel is made of cells which generate electricity when exposed to sunlight. That description is the very basic principle.
A small turbine and generator couple together is used in wind power. The propellers fixed in the turbine are rotated by the wind and the rotation generates results in generation of electricity. The unit works all the 24 hours.
Solar panels maintenance is easy if you know what you are doing. Combined sun's power with energy from wind gives a green home. Green in this case could mean environmental friendly, or extra green in your pocket.