Cleanse technology is ever-changing, as well as new innovators, characteristically by means of women, making their score in a normally male-dominated picture. In this erratic stockpile, we gleam the focal point on the best savvy and fine women pioneers in cleantech and sustainability. A few are creation their own start-ups, others are mountain climbing the shape of fascinating companies, and cool others are investors. Whether they are on the lead defiance or belatedly the scenes, they persuade us to avow striving leave behind, to hairline fracture the regularly very glass control, and exchange how the world lives.
As perpetually we are wide to your suggestions of who "you feel are the womanly game-changers." Who do you determine indigence be on the list?
*Special standing to Shawn Secondary of Watershed Assets for his buttress and mentorship for this stockpile.
Correctly possibly the youngest CEO in the biofuel/Green chemistry work hard, Virginia Klausmeier has exhausted the beyond five being bottle green the Sylvatex fuel technology as well as her departed edge, Dr. William Klausmeier. Sylvatex is at this time commercializing a proprietary renewable fuel for the US diesel and biodiesel markets. The mass has won generous awards at work hard conferences and stake consent to competitions, amid Silicon Fen Bonfire and PortTechLA, as splendidly as consent to and buttress as well as San Francisco's Greenstart accelerator program. Virginia earned her B.S in Chemistry and Physiology and M.S. in Biomechanics at the University circles of Oregon and has is in the same way perky in San Francisco's BioDiesel Fee ghost and Biodiesel Lead.
Kef Kasdin is CEO of Proterro, a venture-backed start-up located in Princeton, New Jumper. It develops non-plant-based, noncellulosic fermentation-ready sugar feedstock, which enables the cut-rate and scalable production of biofuels and chemicals. The mass, which is transitioning from learn to the conscientiousness era, has functioning configuration sucrose-producing organisms and a active precedent bioreactor system. Proterro's Protose sugar is a sustainable, realistic, glexible, feedstock that can be recycled to partake of a narrative of commercial scale fuels and chemicals as well as belief residential fermentation methods. Sooner than Proterro, Kef exhausted nine being at 3Com Corp, amid usage 1B alienation. She in the same way exhausted 10 being as stake businesswoman, and is sweeping partner/cofounder of Battelle Ventures and affiliate Concept Fen Partners, as well as company-creation, lab-spinout, and energy-market fashion.
3. Lissa Morgenthaler-Jones, CEO and Co-Founder, LiveFuels
Lissa Morgenthalter-Jones leads explanation planning and establishment growth for the LIVEFUELS, a mass as well as the goal of bottle green the best downy and scalable algae-based biofuel process. To the same degree 1990, she has in the same way trained in biotechnology investing to the same extent 1990. As understanding about twist algae and physical use up participating in fuel, she started her own clean energy stake bank account stock in 2004. She raised 10 million from the Quercus Dedication and role investors in May 2007. To go to see, her mass has arrangement assessment operations across the U.S., generated voluminous sharp luggage, and is splendidly on its way to producing an parsimoniously helpful and sustainable algal fuel.
K'Lynne is chief Illinois based Elevance, as well as her 19 being of caress in the oil and petrochemicals work hard (Amoco, BP and Innovene). The mass is striving to be the first to effectively channel the renewables and chemicals industries. Together with its Nobel-prize credible technology the mass transforms natural plant-based oils, like soybean, rapeseed (canola), palm, corn, or algae, participating in lineage high-performance, financially viable commercial products, such as exclusive biofuels, deterents and cleaners, central expect products, and others.
In 2010, co-founder Jennifer Pattern took the circle at New Branch Biofuel as CEO. She has helped expound the mass to 24 body and escalate its addict base, amid US Cerulean, the Urban of Chula Panorama, Interconnected Bits and pieces, and dozens of other commercial and shared fleets in Southern California. Jennifer Pattern obtained a BA in Supporter Science from UC San Diego, and a law stage from Pepperdine University circles. In her bona fide expenditure, Jennifer represented inhabitants, profitable and state-run peculiar trade in such areas as sweeping profitable justification, actual land, innovation and technology. Prior to attending law guide, Ms. Pattern was an landowner of a start-up superimpose optics mass in the Silicon Fen.
Dejected Technologies, located in Main part Cope with, CA, is chief the transportation work hard for cleaner, further downy renewable fuels. It is a venture-backed mass that produces biobutanol from renewable feedstock. Xenogen Corp, located in Alameda, CA, was founded in 1998, and is a modernizer in the picture of biophotonic imaging. Pamela R. Contag, Ph.D., is a microbiologist who has been called a "recurrent trailblazer," having founded two biotech and two biofuel startups. She is the engineer of Xenogen Corp. and Dejected Biofuels, Inc. She is in the same way the engineer and CEO of Cygnet Biofuels and ConcentRX, Inc., a biotechnology mass bottle green a various menace medication. She founded Xenogen Concern as well as two classmates since at Stanford University circles, somewhere they pretended in vivo biophotonic imaging. Pamela has filed a marked on a process she mature that utilizes algae to partake of polysaccharides that can be austerely changed to alcohol fuels or to biolipids, and for that reason to biodiesel. She was in the same way named one of the "Top 25 Women in Sharp Selling" by "Vibrancy Check."
7. CYNTHIA (CJ) WARNER, Travel, OF Cerulean Verve
Cynthia (C.J.) Warner allied Cerulean Verve in February 2009 as Travel. She brings further than 27 being of caress in the energy, refining and transportation industries. At Cerulean Verve, Ms. Warner is tasked as well as difficult the company's belief to transition technology trials and research participating in commercial-scale flashy oil operations. Stopping at very soon sunlight, CO2 and non-potable marine, Cerulean Verve is one of the world's chief leaders in algae-based flashy oil. A chemical get by try and one of the nicely few condescending women in the oil and gas work hard, CJ served as an supervisor as well as energy work hard giants British Petroleum, Amoco Oil Accommodation and UOP. CJ is at this time a belong to of the Position Petroleum Lower house. She is a featured modernizer in the 2008 acquire obsequious a Well-hidden Leader: Progress Your Emotional Shrewdness (Harvard Selling Studious Pressure). CJ has a BS stage in Chemical Conscientiousness from Vanderbilt University circles and an MBA from Illinois Jump of Equipment.
8. DR. CLAIRE KINLAW, Be responsible for Handiwork Age, TERVIVA BIOENERGY
Claire is an MBA-trained scientist and at this time Pattern Be responsible for for TerViva BioEnergy, a startup commercializing the fragile oil frogspawn tree pongamia in the US as a feedstock for biodiesel refining. Pongamia pinnata, a nitrogen fixing tree native to India that grows on silly soils. TerVia is active to commercialize this tree as a renewable source of diesel fuel, planting across the southern USA on pasturelands and other lands not recycled for feed production. Claire leads the R&D suffering to perk up the hidden pro, the tree for consecutive upper, further accepted oil production and righteous movement character in US locations. Prior to unification TerViva in 2010, Claire mature commercial strategies for biotechnology startups and small businesses, negotiated and managed research and profitable agreements, directed the USDA Jump of Copse Inheritance, and led energy science research projects as well as molecular inheritance and genomic science give orders. Claire holds an MBA from UC Berkeley, a PhD in biochemistry from Rice University circles, and a BA in chemistry from the University circles of Virginia.
Nicole Kennard founded New Branch Biofuel in 2006 as well as four co-founders, as well as the aim to be the prime provider of biodiesel in San Diego Zone, a objective that involves trucking more than enough of recycled fryer lard from 900 site restaurants to New Leaf's San Diego admin workings and converting it participating in B99 (99 percent biodiesel fuel), which is for that reason purchased by governing body and profitable fleets across the province, such as Sun Diego Charter Co and C & D Towing, and the Confined Enrapture Corrupt, San Diego's very soon alternative fueling station. She built the mass to 10 body and a mass capacity to partake of 140,000 gallons of fuel a month. Nicole has BA in No-nonsense Sums and Depot Science from UC San Diego and an MS in Automatic Conscientiousness as well as an mass on Renewable Verve from San Diego Orate University circles. Fund, Nicole was the Manager of the Fork of Energy's Saleable Appraisal Corrupt (IAC), located at San Diego Orate University circles. She is in the same way a renewable energy adviser and biodiesel shrink for the San Diego Urban Studious Area and a co-founder of the Biofuels Company and Awareness Snarl, a supporter ham it up instruct at UCSD dutiful on population outreach and education.
Susan Leschine founded and was the Key Scientist of SunEthanol, now QTeros. At this moment, Dr. Leschine is a condescending capacity belong to in the Microbiology Fork at the University circles of Massachusetts, Amherst. Dr. Leschine is internationally-known as an go-between on the biology and mixed bag of cellulose-digesting microbes. Her research formed the burrow for SunEthanol's Q Problem biodigesting technology.
(c) 2012, Lisa Ann Pinkerton. All custody ceremonial. Do not republish.