This follows an amendment to the Development and Planning [General Development] Order 1999 and would allow an average family home to install a solar energy system [of 400 square feet or less] without the need to apply for planning permission and, therefore, follow the same expedited process in terms of applying for a building permit only.
Minister Bean said: "The proposed amendment to the Regulations is a timely one, in that it is coming on the heels of the publication of Government's White Paper on Energy.
"Its introduction is no coincidence but seeks to complement Government's energy strategy to encourage a decreased reliance on fossil fuels while enabling an increased use of renewable technologies. The proposed amendment can have far-reaching positive implications, in that each Bermudian home and business place can potentially benefit.
"There are two types of solar energy systems: solar hot water systems and solar photovoltaic systems.
"With solar hot water systems the water running through the panels is warmed by the sun. A typical two to three bedroom home would require a solar collector of 20 to 30 square feet for such purposes.
"The solar photovoltaic systems consist of panels that contain a special material that converts sunlight directly into electricity. A typical two to three person home would require panels totaling approximately 350 square feet for such purposes, in order to facilitate a 5kW system that can generate the annual electricity needed.
"The Energy White Paper contains a target for 5,000 homes to be powered by solar energy by the year 2020. Currently, the Department of Planning has records for 54 solar panel installations, the majority of which have been in the last two years.
"There would still be several thousand larger homes that would require up 600 square feet in area to provide full electricity needs and would therefore still be subject to applications for planning permission.
"The Department of Planning has a target of six days in which "Permitted Development" permits are processed. Applications over the threshold are processed as formal applications to the Development Applications Board but are classified as "fast track" and are expedited.
"A survey carried out by the Department of Energy in 2010 involving 400 residents, showed that 71% of the public were supportive of solar energy systems."
The Director of Energy Jeane Nikolai said of the amendment: "The Department of Planning should be commended for stepping up to the wicket and making this amendment happen."
Ms Nikolai added: "The Department of Energy also offers rebates to homeowners for both solar thermal and solar PV. The rebate for solar PV is 1 per watt up to a maximum of 5kW, or 5000.
"Likewise, BELCO will allow the homeowner to sell the electricity that they are not using from their solar PV system to the grid."
Ms Nikolai added that there are also renewable energy incentives from across the Government Ministries. HM Customs, for example, will allow solar PV systems and their associated mounting systems to enter the island duty free, which means that the consumer can get competitive pricing on their solar PV systems.
Minister Bean concluded: "The use of alternative and renewable sources of energy goes to the heart of sustainability - a development principle to which the Government is fully committed."
It should be noted that homeowners must work with one of the registered installers in order to be eligible for the rebates, who will act as agent, file the relevant paperwork with the Department of Planning, and also submit the application for the rebates to the Department of Energy. The list of installers along with more information about renewable energy solutions can be found on the Department of Energy's website.
Tim Madeiros, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Alternative Energy Systems previously said that he welcomed the announcement by the Planning Department to increase the square footage for a Permitted Development Permit for solar panels.