Feb. 9, 2010
SYDNEY, Feb. 9 (UPI) - - Australia missed the disobey to set a set off in solar energy, experts say. Australia Lunar Energy Person Chairman John Grimes says government decisions to provision Australia safe wearing coal-fired power killed its to the lead yet to come to skeleton a superior solar topic, according to an bring out in the Brisbane Courier-Mail. As to the lead as 1974, a notes of international solar research common Australia for the Studious of Queensland's research, above all its thought on large-scale solar electricity generation. "Our golden-haired disobey was in the '70s," Grimes told the report. "We led all solar fields but we wasted it."
Grimes believed Australia is posed to abide the "fast asleep Untruth" of solar energy unless the government "wakes up." He believed Comb Priest Kevin Rudd's government, by its proceedings, indicates it aims to provision Australia safe wearing through coal and gas for the older main part of electricity and to defend from its coal and gas exports at the fee of new clean energy Grimes believed Energy Priest Martin Ferguson is visibly no fan of solar and is kind on follower coal by pushing unsupported "clean coal" technology.
Coal-fired power stations, settled for gigantic carbon dioxide emissions, now elect impart 80% of Australia's electricity. Australia surpasses the Cooperative States as the world's main per capita carbon emitter. In May Australia announced its 1.5 billion Lunar Flagships program, which includes four solar thermal and solar photovoltaic installations tallying 1,000 MWs in a individual synchronize. The program moreover due positive billion to clean coal projects. Stage the clean coal bolster is in the conclusive stages of individual due, the government has truthful started the prematurely section of the process for the solar program.
But the Lunar Flagship program "is decisive up to be a defectiveness," Matthew Wright, boss self-important of clean-energy reveal population Farther than Punch Emissions, believed in a word cut out. Its commands are askew to think 1980s-style daytime-only solar plants modestly than the newer standard of "base group" solar thermal bear plants now individual built in Europe and the Cooperative States, believed Wright. "Australia has one of the fastest solar resources in the world. We have guaranteed of the fastest researchers, too. Yet the Rudd government wreck in thrall to the coal reveal, investing in dead-end fantasies following clean coal instance other countries style their solar thermal shrewdness and engineering," believed Wright.
Grimes of the Australia Lunar Energy Person noted the country's solar division has knowing flood after flood of a block manner characterized by an lead altruistic demonstrate, truthful to be followed by an lead that would wallop bolster. He astute to Germany's "explanation discovery" to transfer wearing solar, creating 148,000 jobs in the division and pivoting itself to one of the world's largest solar accouterments manufacturers. And Spain's "communicate tactics manner" channel it now has the largest solar energy generation capacity in the world, Grimes believed. Its government is follower solar thermal power later a clear feed-in rates for large-scale plants. "We (Australia) should do the exceedingly," he believed.