So what is solar energy? Simply put, it is energy provided from the sun. It is everywhere. It is a clean, renewable source of energy. It helps you save on energy in Texas, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Georgia. Generally, it is divided into two types; thermal energy and electric energy. Let's look at exactly what solar energy is.
It is energy from the sun
The difference between thermal energy and electric energy is this:
Thermal energy provides heat. It can be used to generate electricity and heat water. Electric energy use photovoltaic cells, usually mounted to a panel, to capture the sun's energy and create direct current electricity. This direct current energy can be transformed into alternating current energy and used solely on site or be injected into the grid. It can power your lights, TV, computer, etc. This will save you energy in Texas, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Georgia.
Let's look at the benefits of solar energy:
Solar energy is renewable. The sun is going to rise and be there for us every day.
Solar energy is friendly to the environment. Burning fossil fuels to produce electricity unfortunately releases greenhouse gases, chemical pollutants and carcinogens into the air. Solar cells don't release a thing, and solar thermal generation creates heat without burning any fuel.
Solar panels are extremely reliable. They contain no moving parts so nothing will need to be replaced. You can generate electricity for thousands of hours will little or no maintenance required.
No noise is made while solar cells are collecting energy. No other renewable energy sources are completely silent.
Because the fuel from the sun is free, solar electricity, after the initial cost, is cheaper than buying electricity from a power company.
The variety of solar panels available is huge. The prices range from hundreds of dollars to tens of thousands.
You do not have to connect to the power grid. Solar energy can enable you to be completely self sufficient and live off the grid.
Excess electricity can be sold. Get in touch with your local power companies for more information.
There are a variety of tax credits for people who install solar energy devices.
The technology behind solar energy is getting better and improving each year.
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