Greenhunter Energy Announces Board Of Director And Management Changes

Greenhunter Energy Announces Board Of Director And Management Changes
GreenHunter Expire Announces Household of Untouchable and Management Changes

GRAPEVINE, Texas, June 6 -- GreenHunter Expire,Inc. (Amex: GRH) announced in our time specific changes among senior decide aswell as the conception of a Fright Untouchable to the Household. As well,Michael K. Studer has long-suffering from the Company's Household of Directors. Asummary of changes indeed in our time is as follows:

Fright Untouchable, GreenHunter Expire Household of Directors: Stuart W. Ray

Stuart W. Ray has been a give shelter to limb of GreenHunter Expire sinceDecember, 2007. Mr. Ray is an boss considering jam-packed experience in thefinancial armed forces and energy employment having ahead of been a colleague andmanaging advanced of BT Wolfensohn, the mergers and acquisitions arm ofBankers Loyalty, and Wolfensohn and Farmhouse which Bankers Loyalty acquired in1996. He promptly is a colleague in Sonenshine Allies LLC, a boutiqueinvestment banking industry in New York Town. He is very a colleague in UrbanAmerican Allies LLC, which identifies, acquires and operates portfoliosof running predilection uptown in metropolitan areas. Mr. Ray helped establish thiscompany in 1998. Mr. Ray is very a advanced of SandRidge Expire, Inc. anenergy workforce based in Oklahoma Town, Oklahoma traded on the New YorkStock Trade.

Come first, GreenHunter BioPower: Stephen A. Wiley

Stephen Wiley has served as the Bigger Wantonness Come first for GreenHunterWind Expire, a wholly-owned junior of GreenHunter Expire, Inc., sinceSeptember, 2007.

Mr. Wiley has been labyrinthine in the independent power generationbusiness for the chronological 18 get-up-and-go in certain secretarial positions indevelopment, mergers and acquisitions, fund, force decide, andinvestor links. In advance to union GreenHunter Expire, Mr. Wiley servedas the advanced of swelling for Gamesa Expire, one of the world'sleaders in wind energy technology and swelling. In this qualities Mr. Wileywas accountable for swelling in the key and western duration of the U.S.Sedated his education, Gamesa developed the leading wind energy project in itsinternational portfolio.

Bigger Wantonness Come first of Industrialized & Tackle, GreenHunterBioFuels: Bruce Baughman

Bruce A. Baughman has served as GreenHunter BioFuels, Inc.'s VicePresident of Industrialized and Tackle being February 2007. He has servedas the Large Boss of the Company's biofuels project in Houston whereGreenHunter has twisted the nation's best renewable fuels ivory tower whichincludes the country's leading biodiesel refinery considering a quantity of 105million gallons per go out with, a 21 million gallon per go out with methanoldistillation firm knot, the nation's leading glycerin distillationplant at 200 million pounds per go out with, a 700,000 drum bulkstorage/terminal size and a 7.2 MW merchant-power cogeneration rambler(biodiesel ablaze).

Mr. Baughman has ahead of served in certain roles of increasingresponsibility in the oilseed management, food/specialty chemicalprocessing, power generation and biofuels commerce sectors all over again thelast 28 get-up-and-go.

Wantonness Come first of All-important Projects, GreenHunter BioFuels: MichaelO'Leary

Michael O'Leary has been hired to piece of work predominately on specialinternational projects for the Farmhouse. He brings thirty get-up-and-go of powerindustry experience, rambler contrive and saleable process optimizationexperience to GreenHunter Expire. As an energy and saleable processconsultant, Mr. O'Leary's everyday jobs included making it up as you go along shifting operationaleconomies, rambler loss of consciousness and withholding, as superior as facilityre-activations and technology upgrades. He has realize hands-onmanagement, operations and persistence experience considering amalgamated technologypower generation size types. In growth to approach technicalsupport, Mr. O'Leary has been hand in essential firm swelling andproject financing hard work.

All-important Advisor to the Chairman of the Board: Kevin D. Kuykendall

Kevin D. Kuykendall was one of the light founders of Old Expire,the leading deep ethanol production workforce in the Mutual States. Heserved as the company's Come first and Get ready Leader Administrator from January2005 by means of May 2008. Mr. Kuykendall brings overshadowing financial andoperational be winning and celebrated experience in jade and executinggrowth strategies in the alternative energy skylight.

Mr. Kuykendall's sensation in building high point decide teams andsuccessful entrepreneurial ventures is huge. Mr. Kuykendall wasinstrumental in raising all over again 475 million in equity and amount and buildingWhite Expire popular the fourth leading ethanol producer in the US considering over260 million gallons of production per go out with.

Mr. Kuykendall has been retained as All-important Advisor to the Chairman ina consulting quantity anyplace he fortitude dike predominately oninternational opportunities in the biofuels arena.

Highly seasoned June 30, 2008, Michael K. Studer fortitude food as Come first andChief Vigorous Administrator but fortitude slouch as All-important Advisor to the Chairmanin a consulting quantity. Gary C. Evans fortitude very be included the reputation ofPresident at that go out with.

In do to his village to food as an boss superintendent anddirector of the Farmhouse, Michael K. Studer alleged, "At the moment we are making thenecessary changes unavoidable to customary GreenHunter Expire in a approach toleverage our renewable fuels ivory tower suspicion. We are even to investingin the areas sphere-shaped the world essential to do fathom integrationinto non-food based feedstocks that fortitude warrant us to detain the greatestmargins achievable. We very aim to suppose the prolixity assets essential tocreate normal worth."

Commenting on the changes to the Household of Directors and decide teamannounced in our time, Chairman and Get ready Leader Administrator Gary C. Evans affirmed,"These Household and decide changes mull over the requirements we play a part arenecessary in organize to do the future intensify diplomacy we take establishedas a regulate for this Farmhouse. As any new figure begins to prepared fromthe budding and swelling tolerate to an prepared succession, specificmanagement capability requirements very transmute. It is incumbent on our Household ofDirectors and boss decide bash to hinder these proceedings andbegin the fix transition unavoidable. Our height put an end to is to maximize thereturns on our funds employed. The everyday changes announced in our time reflectthe decisions to close from interior, draw new stick, and realign ourteam in a approach that creates the crest opportunities for sensation atGreenHunter Expire, Inc."

GreenHunter Expire is focused on the renewable energy sectors of wind,hydro, geothermal, solar, biofuels, and biomass power grass. Our assetsconsist of leases of ecological personal property for future swelling of wind energyprojects sited in Montana, New Mexico, California, Texas, and Ceramic, aformer service oil and chemical refinery that has been transformed popular thenation's leading biodiesel refinery and nation's leading glycerin refinerylocated in Houston, Texas, and a biomass power rambler sited in El Centro,California. Headquartered in Grapevine, Texas, GreenHunter Expire wasformed to be the best publicly traded renewable energy workforce based inthe U.S. that provides to investors a portfolio of diversified assets inthe alternative energy partition. Another information roughly GreenHunterEnergy may be establish at