Recent Law Review Articles May 2011

Recent Law Review Articles May 2011
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW.Bell, Mark M. A pragmatic approach to judicial review of informal guidance documents. 2 Faulkner L. Rev. 77-110 (2010).Ruhl, J.B. and James Salzman. Gaming the past: the theory and practice of historic baselines in the administrative state. 64 Vand. L. Rev. 1-57 (2011).Shapiro, Sidney A. and Ronald F. Wright. The future of the administrative presidency: turning administrative law inside-out. 65 U. Miami L. Rev. 577-620 (2011).Symposium: What Change Will Come: The Obama Administration and the Future of the Administrative State. Keynote address by Carter Phillips; articles by Susan Rose-Ackerman, Edward Rubin, Cynthia R. Farina, Mary J. Newhart, Claire Cardie, Dan Cosley, Ronald J. Krotoszynski, Jr., Peter M. Shane, Harold J. Krent, Ronald M. Levin, Sidney A. Shapiro and Ronald F. Wright. 65 U. Miami L. Rev. 321-620 (2011).AIR POLLUTION.Behles, Deborah. Examining the air we breathe: EPA should evaluate cumulative impacts when it promulgates national ambient air quality standards. 28 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 200-236 (2010).Chang, Hannah. Domestic mitigation of black carbon from diesel emissions. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10126-10135 (2011).Evans, John C. and Donald R. van der Vaart. When maybe is good enough: the Title V citizen petition. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News Michael J. Bradley, Robert D. Brenner and John Walke, panelists. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10079-10090 (2011).ALTERNATIVE ENERGY.Giddings, Nathaniel C. Go offshore young man! The categorical exclusion solution to offshore wind farm development on the outer continental shelf. 2 Geo. Wash. J. Energy & Envtl. L. 75-86 (2011).Sherwin, Adam. "Sighting" wind energy facilities in Vermont: finding the right balance between societal benefits and aesthetic burden. 17 Buff. Envtl. L.J. 1-41 (2009-2010). ATTORNEYS.Bonine, John E. The divergent paths of environmental law practice: a reply to Professor Manaster. 28 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 265-287 (2010). Manaster, Kenneth A. The many paths of environmental practice: a response to professor Bonine. 28 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 238-264 (2010).BOOK REVIEWS.Hobbs, Justice Gregory J., Jr. Seventh update to Colorado Water Law: An Historical Overview. 14 U. Denv. Water L. Rev. 159-171 (2010).Percival, Robert V. Environmental law goes global: Taking Back Eden: Eight Environmental Cases That Changed the World, by Oliver A. Houck. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10194-10196 (2011).CERCLA.Tucker, William C. All is number: mathematics, divisibility and apportionment under Burlington Northern. [Corrected version.] 21 Fordham Envtl. L. Rev. 479-542 (2010).CHINA.Jiang, Xiaoyi. How do clean development mechanism projects contribute to sustainable development in China: an assessment of the performance of the CDM in China. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10260-10275 (2011).CLEAN WATER ACT.Houck, Oliver A. The Clean Water Act returns (again): part I, TMDLs and the Chesapeake Bay. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10208-10228 (2011).CLIMATE CHANGE.Boyd, William. Climate change, fragmentation, and the challenges of global environmental law: elements of a post-Copenhagen assemblage. 32 U. Pa. J. Int'l L. 457-550 (2010).Carrico, Amanda R., et al. Energy and climate change: lessons for implementing the behavioral wedge. 2 Geo. Wash. J. Energy & Envtl. L. 61-67 (2011).CONSTITUTIONAL LAW.Kaplan, Maya. Denmark's achievement of energy independence: what the United States can learn. 18 Cardozo J. Int'l & Comp. L. 723-763 (2010).CORPORATIONS.Mafessanti, Miriam. Responsibility for environmental damage under international law: can MNCs bear the burden?...and how? 17 Buff. Envtl. L.J. 87-105 (2009-2010).Metcalf, Cherie. Corporate social responsibility as global public law: third party rankings as regulation by information. 28 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 145-199 (2010).ELECTRICAL UTILITIES.Green, Michelle. Silencing the public's voice: the adverse effects of... (Mountain Communities for Responsible Energy v. Public Service Commission of West Virginia, 665 S.E.2d 315, 2008.) 113 W. Va. L. Rev. 555-583 (2011). Tomasovic, Brian S. A high-voltage conflict on Blackacre: reorienting utility easement rights for electric reliability. 36 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 1-57 (2011).EMISSIONS TRADING.Fox, Jessica, Royal C. Gardner and Todd Maki. Stacking opportunities and risks in environmental credit markets. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10121-10125 (2011).ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT.Dake, Raymond. Trout of bounds: the effects of the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals' misguided Fifth Amendment takings analysis in Casitas Municipal Water District v. United States. 36 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 59-123 (2011).Walter, Hanspeter. The outer limits of Endangered Species Act liability-the ESA's indirect effect regulation and its application to climate change. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10204-10207 (2011).ENERGY POLICY.Bradbrook, Adrian J. Creating law for next generation energy technologies. 2 Geo. Wash. J. Energy & Envtl. L. 17-38 (2011).Van Nostrand, James M. Legal issues in financing energy efficiency: creative solutions for funding the initial capital costs of investments in energy efficiency measures. 2 Geo. Wash. J. Energy & Envtl. L. 1-16 (2011).ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVISM.Miller, W.S. Changing playing fields: the sports attorney's obligation to learn green. 21 Marq. Sports L. Rev. 139-182 (2010).ENVIRONMENTAL LAW.Recent developments. In the Congress. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10156-10158 (2011).Recent developments. In the courts. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10158-10160 (2011).Recent developments. In the federal agencies. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10160-10164 (2011).Recent developments. In the state agencies. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10165-10169 (2011).Recent journal literature. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10170-10171 (2011).ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY.Remarks of EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson, Pace Law School commencement speaker, May 16, 2010. 28 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 318-323 (2010).FISHERIES.Korman, Seth. International management of a high seas fishery: political and property-rights solutions and the Atlantic bluefin. 51 Va. J. Int'l L. 697-748 (2011).FORESTS.Nie, Martin. Place-based national forest legislation and agreements: common characteristics and policy recommendations. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10229-10246 (2011). GLOBAL WARMING.Brown, Shannon. A fly in the ointment: why federal preemption doctrine and 42 U.S.C. SS 7431 do not preclude local land use regulations related to global warming. 23 Regent U. L. Rev. 239-261 (2010-2011).Dumas, Graham Frederick. A greener revolution: using the right food as a political weapon against climate change. 43 N.Y.U. J. Int'l L. & Pol. 107-158 (2010).GREENHOUSE GASES.Farrell, James R. The future of the Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10247-10259 (2011).Morrow, Nicholas G. Federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions a practical certainty: how will the Texas energy industry survive-maybe thrive? 17 Tex. Wesleyan L. Rev. 237-264 (2011).Richardson, Nathan, Art Fraas and Dallas Burtraw. Greenhouse gas regulation under the Clean Air Act: structure, effects, and implications of a knowable pathway. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News articles by Michael Coper, Chuma Himonga, Francis S.L. Wang, Cheng-Han Tan, Aalt Willem Heringa, Louis F. Del Duca, M'onica Pinto, Alejandro Gomez, Claudio Grossman and Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker. 29 Penn St. Int'l L. Rev. 1-128 (2010).LEGAL PROCESS.Pollock, Brian. Pillaging the land: consideration of judicial control of damage awards to prevent windfalls at the expense of the environment. 48 U. Louisville L. Rev. 419-440 (2009).MILITARY.Kurera, Kate Donovan. Military burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan: considerations and obstacles for emerging litigation. 28 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 288-317 (2010). MINING.Benson, Reed D. New adventures of the old Bureau: modern-day reclamation statutes and Congress's unfinished environmental business. 48 Harv. J. on Legis. 137-184 (2011).NANOTECHNOLOGY.Popovsky, Mark. Nanotechnology and environmental insurance. 36 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 125-161 (2011).NATURAL GAS.Porter, Jacob L. Underground fences and storage gas migration: K.S.A Section 55-1210 and legislating property rights to injected natural gas. 50 Washburn L.J. 177-202 (2010).NEPA.Forman, Isaac. The uncertain future of NEPA and mountaintop removal. 36 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 163-194 (2011). Reiley, Robert. The evolution of NEPA in the fight against climate change. 5 Pitt. J. Envtl. L. & Pub. Health L. 1-47 (2011).NUISANCE.Johnson, Stephen M. From climate change and hurricanes to ecological nuisances: common law remedies for public law failures? 27 Ga. St. U. L. Rev. 565-608 (2011).OIL.Leibold, Annalisa M. Aligning incentives for development: the world bank and the Chad-Cameroon oil pipeline. 36 Yale J. Int'l L. 167-205 (2011).OIL SPILLS.Cohen, Drew. Resuscitating Erin Brockovich after the BP oil spill: carving out an exception to the Class Action Fairness Act for environmental disaster suits. 2 Geo. Wash. J. Energy & Envtl. L. 72-74 (2011).Evans-Cowley, Jennifer and Andrew Canter. Hurricanes, oil spills, and discrimination, oh my: the story of the Mississippi Cottage. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10136-10155 (2011).POLITICS.Bruce, Jim. Who will reap from FLEEEP? Gaining new federal contracting business under Obama's executive order on federal agency sustainability. 2 Geo. Wash. J. Energy & Envtl. L. 68-71 (2011).PUBLIC UTILITIES.Pankiw, Bohdan R. Comment on due process cases involving the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission: why due process short cuts never work. 20 Widener L.J. 263-290 (2010).RAIN FORESTS.McKim, Sarah. Sustainable solutions: an integrated approach to REDD project planning. 2 Geo. Wash. J. Energy Joshua Basofin, Ashley Conrad-Saydah, Roger Johnson and Sue Kateley, panelists. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News introduction to remarks by Eric Pan; remarks by Rodge Cohen, Malcolm Knight and Julie Dickson; panelists Richard Murray, Tom Quadman, Andrea Corcoran, Roberta Karmel and Marc Saidenberg, panelists. 18 Cardozo J. Int'l & Comp. L. 561-631 (2010).STATE AND LOCAL LAW.Lewis, Tonya R. The plenary power of states to protect citizens from environmental hazards: who's failing? 17 Buff. Envtl. L.J. 43-85 (2009-2010).Porteshawver, Alex. Under review: stadium construction and state environmental policy acts. 21 Marq. Sports L. Rev. 339-360 (2010).SUPERFUND.Gallo, Madeline. From wood treatment to unequal treatment: the story of the St. Regis Superfund Site. 29 Law & Ineq. 175-209 (2011).SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT.Nightengale, Gwendolyn K. A sustainable future: a proposal for improving the effectiveness of Farmer Field Schools in Indonesia and Ghana. 3 Hum. Rts. & Globalization L. Rev. 9-31 (2009/2011). TAKINGS.Cressler, William. Contribution of the Commonwealth Court to condemnation law since 1970. 20 Widener L.J. 193-237 (2010). TAXATION.Margalioth, Yoram. Tax policy analysis of climate change. 64 Tax L. Rev. 63-98 (2010).TRANSNATIONAL WATERWAYS.McLane, Ryan P. The St. Mary River and the Milk River: two rivers, one stream. 14 U. Denv. Water L. Rev. 131-157 (2010).WATER LAW.Martin-Nagle, Renee. Fossil aquifers: a common heritage of mankind. 2 Geo. Wash. J. Energy a roadmap for Montana's water management. 14 U. Denv. Water L. Rev. 47-95 (2010).ZONING.Shoked, Nadav. The reinvention of ownership: the embrace of residential zoning and the modern populist reading of property. 28 Yale J. on Reg. 91-149 (2011).