Complete Blog Index

Complete Blog Index

240. Future of Biofuels in the Pentagon, May 2013

239. Biofuels Treatment Driven by Angels, April 2013

238. Twenty-First Century Circle Oil, February 2013

237. DOD Top Energy Issues 2013, December 2012

236. Biofuels are not the nurse December 2012

235. DOD Needs to be First-class Diaphanous on its Energy Initiatives Elegant 2012

234. DOD's Oil Use and Its Compensation Elegant 2012

233. Mabus Chokes Navy's Politically Virulent Biofuels Elegant 2012

232. Navy's Endless Unsullied Fail July 2012

231. Treachery thrives on craftiness April 2012

230. Senators uncover yellowish-brown fling to DOD biofuels, Mar 2012

229. Headed for Government-Renewable Energy Transnational Comple..., Feb 2012

228. DOD picks winners in energy technology, Feb 2012

227. Obama and Groundwork, Jan 2012

226. Goodbye Unsullied and Ruse Environmentalists, Jan 2012

225. Pentagon's Worship with Helios and Anemoi, Dec 2012

224. DOD's Unsullied Mayhem, Dec 2011

223. Fears about DOD's Unsullied Biofuels, Dec 2011

222. US Navy's Unsullied Multiply Reality and Mixture, Dec 2011

221. CNA Speech on Plummeting US Oil Syndicate, Dec 2011

220. LMI Investigate on DoD Use of Renewable Fuels, Nov 2011

219. IMF and Oil Prices, Oct 2011

218. DOD Energy Use Underreported, Oct 2011

217. DoD Energy Use in 2010, Oct 2011

216. Does Secretay Mabus Do the Accurately Inclination, Oct 2011

215. From Stronghold to the Theatre of war, September 2011

214. The DOD Energy Worth in FY2010, Elegant 2011

213. Replacement Energy and Propulsion Control for Crowd., Elegant 2011

212. Armed forces Gives Distinct Shock for Biofuels, Elegant 2011

211. The Armed forces Energy Initiatives Sanctum Piece of work Depress, Elegant 2011

210. Thoughts on DOD's In force Energy Contrive, Elegant 2011

209. DoD Energy Developments in June-July 2011, July 2011

* In Call to mind of Set off, June 2011

208. Congress Must Go Speedily with Coal-to-Liquids, June 2011

207. Nuclear Control vs Oil for Armed forces Surface Ships, June 2011206. Thunderbirds fly on biofuel drink, May 2011205. A few Ray Mabus Misperceptions on Energy, May 2011204. Armed forces In force Energy Challenges, May 2011203. White Family circle Village square on Energy Apology, May 2011

202. DLA Energy Factbooks April 2011201. Energy and the UK Ministry of Defence April 2011200. Energy Machinery Fabrication and DOD April 2011199. Pentagon's Energy Projects Must Be Reexamined April 2011198. The US Marine Component and Energy April 2011197. Camelina to Supersonic Goes Speedily Row 2011196. The US Crowd Agencies Non-Tactical Vehicles Row 2011195. Oil prices clutch set off hostages of possibility Row 2011194. From Unsullied Control to Fabrication Row 2011

193. Assessor Customary Speech on DOD-wide Energy Horizontal Machinery Projects February 2011

192. Passing Numbers on Libya Oil and Countrified Gas February 2011

191. Glow to Occur February 2011

190. Clarification on the RAND Speech February 2010

189. Rand Production Torpedoes the Unsullied Quick January 2011

188. Goodbye Unsullied and Greenbacks January 2011

187. Energy in DOD's Explanation Directive Drawing January 2011

186. Tragy-Comedy of the Manas Multiply Contracts December 2010

185. Economics of Navy's Unsullied Fuels December 2010

184. Navy's Key Achievements in Biofuels December 2010

183. Energy in DOD Navy FY2010 Economic Statements December 2010

182. On Armed forces Energy Website November 2010

181. Armed forces Energy Suspicion November 2010

180. Manas Multiply Operate Topic Stinks November 2010

179. The Way DOD Looks at Unsullied Control November 2010

178. Fueling the Future Depress November 2010177. From Bother to Castle in the sky October 2010176. Corpulence and Multiply Coldness October 2010175. DoD Unsullied Jet Multiply Tests September 2010174. Geopolitics of Caspian Stick out of Evils September 2010173. DoD Energy Use in 2009 July 2010

172. Crowd, Wear away and Renewable Energy July 2010

171. The DOD Energy Apology Act of 2010 June 2010

170. The US Crowd Carbon Bootprint May 2010

169. Reflections on QDR 2010 and CO2 Emissions April 2010

168. Oil Money Fuels Treachery in Kyrgyzstan April 2010

167. FA18 to run on a Biofuel Mixture April 2010

166. USFA Tests a New Synfuel Mixture April 2010

165. Fully Weighed down Debit of Multiply December 2009

164. US Causalities and Multiply Use in Afghanistan November 2009

163. Navy's Endless Unsullied Quick November 2009

162. Armed forces Incentives to regenerate fuel November 2009

161. US Crowd Multiply Use for Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan...October 2009

160. Multiply Logistics Bother in Iraq September 2009

159. Multiply Logistics Bother in Afghanistan September 2009

158. Army's Electricity Hard work and Medicine Elegant 2009

157. Solar Control Make an objection at Nellis Air Depress Injurious July 2009

156. Biofuels for Crowd Level May 2009

155. Energy and Court case Policies May 2009

154. The US Crowd Energy Worth in 2008 April 2009

153. DOD Recognizable Multiply Pricing Row 2009

152. Committee on Multiply Use in Slacken Locations Row 2009

151. Militaries Brutally the Earth to Cut Oil Use Row 2009

150. Army's Electric Car Imbecility February 2009

149. Forecasting Oil Prices February 2009

148. CENTCOM Logistics Castle in the sky February 2009

147. Multiply Use in Nontactical Vehicles February 2009

146. Age to Bailout the Pentagon January 2009

145. DOD Needs First-class Manipulation Imperfection Hoof marks January 2009

144. Innocently How many US Crowd Bases December 2008

143. Crowd and Renewable Energy Sources October 2008

142. Funny Crowd Energy Data October 2008

141. Air Depress energy lessening policy October 2008

140. Armed forces Launches New Energy Initiatives October 2008

139. Unsullied Jet Fuels October 2008

138. October is USAF Energy Have a feeling Month October

137. War stirs energy corridor in Georgia Elegant 2008

136. Per Capita US Crowd Energy ConsumptionJuly 2008

135. DOD Must Reorder its Multiply Pricing July 2008

135. Crowd Junk as an Energy Quantity June 2008

134. DoD Snythetic Multiply Composite June 2008

133. Authorization Norris and His Oil June 2008

133. DOD and Alternatives to Park Oil June 2008

132. DESC Multiply Carry to Iraq, Afghanistan and non-DOD... June 2008

131. USAF looses blood June 2008

130 US Crowd Oil Use Abroad April 2008

129 Multiply Worth per US Fighter per day April 2008

128 First-class on Carried by the wind Gas Stations April 2008

127 Synfuel drink distress on B1-B Row 2008

126 From KC-X to KC45 Row 2008

125 The Unimportant Red Strip and Astronomical Oil Row 2008

124 How confer on DOD Ascend with the New Law Feb 2008

123 Metering of Armed forces Built-up Energy Help Feb 2008

122 First-class Wrangle - Under Multiply Feb 2008

121 Are we working out of oil? Jan 2008

120 The Astronomical Oil Quarrel and Oil Companies Jan 2008

119 Speculating on Oil Prices January 2008

118 Opinions of Oil Question Executives on Astronomical Oil November 2007

117 Coal Based Man-made Multiply for USAF Level November 2007

116 NATO and Energy Apology November 2007

115 Remark on USAF Man-made Multiply Tests September 2007

114 Energy on Crowd Installations Elegant 2007

113 Privatization of Encounter in Iraq Elegant 2007

112 Contractors Choice for the GWOT July 2007

111 A Reprove on DOD Energy Use July 2007

110 Future of the Nabucco Gas Duct July 2007

109 Putin and Energy Fight again the Caspian July 2007

107 A Black Cross your mind President July 2007

106 Improve on Law of Numbers Television journalism and BP June 2007

105 Michael Klare and US Crowd Oil Use June 2007

104 Age and Check of US Crowd Quick May 2007

103 US Armed forces Goes Nuclear May 2007

102 US Crowd Energy Worth - News and Info...May 2007

101 Outlying Ado for Nothing: Transforming the Way DoD Looks at Energy. May 2007

100 New Pentagon Investigate on Oil May 2007

99 Iranian Petrodollar Encounter May 2007

98 Iran's Sanctioned Oil and Gas Transnational May 2007

97 The Future of UK Gas and Oil Giving out April 2007

96 ANZAC Day April 2007

95 Wear away Reorder Imperial Apology Feathers April 2007

94 Notes from the Oil Peak April 2007

93 Armed forces Ignores the Real Traffic circle Row 2007

92 Astronomical Oil Quarrel Row 2007

91 RESET Extravaganza and Oil Worth Row 2007

90 US Crowd Oil Worth Abroad Row 2007

89 Interpretation on Register by Michael Aimone Row 2007

88 USAF Energy Village square February 2007

87 US Crowd Energy Worth - Figures Issues February 2007

86 US Crowd Oil Hard work February 2007

85 US Crowd and Energy - Intro February 2007

84 Encourage up the B-52 with Man-made Multiply February 2007

83 EP Crowd Multiply - How Long? February 2007

82 New Mast Refueling Tanker KC-X January 2007

81 Excitement of the Amalgamation Complete Legend Reckon January 2007

80 Iraq Contrive and Pungent Realities 2 January 2007

79 Iraq Contrive and Pungent Realities January 2007

78 Bush Bearing Iraq Treachery January 2007

77 Replacement Multiply Fantasies for Crowd January 2007

76 Hand out and Age of US Air Depress Level January 2007

75 Hand out and Age of US Armed forces Hostility Vehicles January 2007

74 Hand out and Age of US Armed forces Ships January 2007

73 Crowd Depress Paradox in Iraq December 2006

72 Tony Blair and Generally Principles December 2006

71 Margins To US Crowd Superiority - 2 December 2006

70 Margins To US Crowd Superiority - 1 December 2006

69 Astronomical Oil at West Tine November 2006

68 End of Penniless Oil and Crowd November 2006

67 CERA's Jazz with Astronomical Oil November 2006

66 Robert Gates at the Pentagon Gain access to November 2006

65 Gas-guzzling Pentagon November 2006

64 Oil Logistics Significance from WWII - 3 October 2006

63 Oil Logistics Significance from WWII - 2 October 2006

62 Oil Logistics Teaching from WWII October 2006

61 Multiply Logistics Significance from WWII October 2006

60 Marie Antoinette and Astronomical Oil October 2006

59 Committee on DoD Energy Worth October 2006

58 Neo Trustworthy Oil-Military-Industrial Many-sided -II September 2006

57 Neo Trustworthy Oil-Military-Industrial Many-sided September 2006

56 Desire Live the Pentagon September 2006

55 F-22A: A DoD Plan and its Cost-cutting September 2006

54 Fall down in the New Center East Arranged September 2006

53 Center East is Having a baby Elegant 2006

52 Disinformation and Psychopolitics Elegant 2006

51 The Future of People Elegant 2006

50 Secluded Armaments Sales July 2006

49 Worldwide Park Armaments Sales July 2006

48 The From way back Feel of the G8 July 2006

47 Israel Lebanon War and BTC Duct July 2006

46 Nuclear Artillery July 2006

45 Group of Court case Energy Contrive July 2006

44 US Armed forces Energy Policy July 2006

43 Oh These Senate Hearings July 2006

42 Pentagon and Astronomical Oil July 2006

41 US Air Depress Energy Policy July 2006

40 US Armed forces Energy Policy July 2006

39 Group of Court case Energy Policy June 2006

38 The US Crowd Bases June 2006

37 Petropolitics Laws of Thomas Friedman June 2006

36 Crowd Oil Worth in Afghanistan and Iraq June 2006

35 Oh These Senate Hearings June 2006

34 Trade Media on Oil June 2006

33 The same as Oil Get rid of Fundamentals? May 2006

32 Legendary Arithmetic of Karen Harbert May 2006

31 Drivel NOPEC Legislation May 2006

30 Oil and US Crowd Interests III April 2006

29 Oil and US Crowd Interests II April 2006

28 Oil and US Crowd Interests I April 2006

27 Summary of Senate Hearings on Oil Prices April 2006

26 Exxon Chevron Astronomical Oil Ad War April 2006

25 King Hubbert at IIASA in 1975 April 2006

24 Judiciary Payment Committee on Oil Prices April 2006

23 Crop Shakiness and On top April 2006

22 Al-Qaeda and Al-Pentagon April 2006

21 Quadrennial Court case Consider 2006 April 2006

20 US DoD Factsheet Row 2006

19 The US Crowd Oil Worth February 2006

18 Excitement of the Amalgamation Complete 2006 February 2006

17 New Tape for Natural Oil Speculators January 2006

16 Big Oil Bosses and Cheney December 2005

15 Big Oil Bosses at the Congress Committee December 2005

14 Astronomical Oil Foolishness October 2005

13 Astronomical Oil and Church October 2005

12 Nukes and Reserve Principles October 2005

11 Highly Commencement New Orleans! September 2005

10 How Media Information the Awfully Inclination Differently September 2005

9 This is Not You Yergin September 2005

8 Preoccupied Barrels are Urge on September 2005

7 IMF Oil Ratio Swindle September 2005

6 Chancellor Brunette sees Black September 2005

5 Gordon Brunette Debunked September 2005

4 A 10 amplification in oil prices reduces world GDP 0.5 per cent or assess worry ? Elegant 2005

3 How Media Uses Numbers for Brainwashing July 2005

2 From Afghanistan to Venezula with Worship July 2005

1 Oil Prices and Speculators July 2005