Stop The Attack On Clean Energy In Colorado

Stop The Attack On Clean Energy In Colorado
The Colorado Senate Is Trying To Kill Our Renewable Energy Standard (RES)! Instead Of 30% By 2020, They Want To Knock It Down To 15%. This Is Absurd: Xcel Already Gets 19% Of Their Electricity From Wind Alone, And It's Cheaper Than Any Fossil Fueled Power!

Sign The Petition Below To Send An Email Senate Agriculture, Natural Resource And Energy Committee Members Telling Them We Have To Move Forward On Clean Energy And Climate, Not Back!


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Dear Governor Hickenlooper and Colorado Legislators,
We are writing to let you know we do NOT want Colorado to go backwards on clean energy as proposed in SB 15-044. We should only move forwards to more clean energy for Colorado.

Ten years ago, Colorado voters set a wonderful example for the nation by looking past the failure of the Assembly to pass a bill for a Renewable Energy Standard (RES). We organized, campaigned, and enacted the nation's first voter-approved RES through Amendment 37. It's been remarkably popular, even with the most impacted company, Xcel Energy, which worked with the Ritter Administration to increase the proportion of clean energy required in our RES to 30% by 2020.

Today's Colorado Senate has kicked off its session with bill SB 15-044, aimed at rolling back the RES from 30% clean energy by 2020 to a paltry 15%!

We find this move to roll back Colorado's RES outrageous! This measure and others like it put forward by the fossil fuel industry through the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) threaten our children's clean air and a stable climate future!

We simply MUST reduce our carbon emissions from Colorado's electric power system -- and at the same time we can shield rate payers from the risk of having over three-quarters our power generated from fossil fuels, whose prices swing wildly with the "animal spirits" of the global markets. In sunny and windy Colorado, relying so much on fossil fuels is simply foolish.

- We know that wind power and solar are so low cost as to be at or below "grid parity".
- We know that solar jobs now outnumber coal mining jobs 2-to-1 and are quickly catching up to jobs in oil and gas extraction.
- We know that the recent "fracking rush" is subject to boom and bust cycles, with the price of oil having collapsed and the oil and gas industry beginning to contract across the US.

Oil and gas legend, T. Boone Pickens, recently predicted that fracking has overproduced oil and gas, to the point of market instability: "I think you will see capital expenditures cut in 2015 and see some rigs go down. You oversupplied gas, and now you've oversupplied oil. Nobody wants to stop drilling. We've screwed ourselves. Thats what we did." (Texas Tribune, 10/29/2014)

We thank the Hickenlooper Administration for signing SB252 in 2013, requiring Rural Electric Coops to reach a renewable energy standard of 15% by 2030, helping to protect their rate payers from fossil fuel price spikes, and to bringing the jobs that come with clean energy production.


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Come & Testify At The Committee Hearing For SB 15-044

Thursday, January 29th, 1:30 pm

Senate Committee Room 354 or 353

200 E. Colfax Ave., Denver, 80203

Learn More About SB 44

Early this January, legislators wasted no time introducing bills related to Colorado's energy policies. Rather than immediately address local versus statewide standards for fracking, two of the first bills introduced would modify Colorado's RENEWABLE ENERGY STANDARD (RES).

Currently, investor owned utilities (i.e. Xcel and Black Hills) have to have 20% renewables by 2015 and 30% by 2020 on their system. Senate Bill 44 would reduce their requirement to 15% by 2015 with no additional goal for 2030. This seems bizarre, especially given that wind provides 19% of Xcel's electricity in Colorado. So they want them to go backwards and stay there.


The post Stop the Attack on Clean Energy in Colorado by Christina Gosnell appeared first on Clean Energy Action.