Energy Lab

Energy Lab
The Regulation to Mitigate Push Lab showcases three alternative energy technology stations. Students transfer from station to station experimenting and collecting substantiation all period by means of several forms of alternative energy. At the Material Push Limit, students can use their strength to power a sort of possessions. At the Planetary Push Limit students exercise the power of the sun to hold tight solar energy-based experiments by means of photo-voltaic cells. They can recurrent get as far as solar powered boats and velocity hydrogen fuel cell cars. The Tell Push Limit has students march via wind turbine switchblade labor and get as far as wind powered electrical circuits. They then acknowledge gate to our whole chubbiness in-lab wind generator.

Push Lab Components (Interactive Stations)

Material Push Station:

(Material Push Limit Directions.ppt)

MNS-Power Clone Prize Regulation Motorcycle Act

Bouncing Earth Tie in with

Regulation Unusual Light Tuber Technologies

Go Generators

The Material Battery

Go Boilers

The UFO Earth

Planetary Push Station:

(Planetary Push Limit Directions.ppt)

MNS-Power Planetary Regulation Act

Accommodation a Planetary Slurp up

Measuring Photo-Voltaic Flaw Output

Alike Vs Stubborn Circuits

Planetary Boats

Powering Hydrogen Rations Cells

Tell Push Station:

(Tell Push Limit Directions.ppt)

Accommodation a Tell Generator

Blade Scheme and Advertise

Storing Tell Push

Tell Generator Gash Car Racing