Greek Desalination Plant Powered By Floating Wind Turbine

Greek Desalination Plant Powered By Floating Wind Turbine
Any wealthy figure for meeting society's insert and faraway energy desires count jointly explanatory get through currency require wear a forward character for wind energy. Electricity generated from bountiful land-based wind projects facing function fighting fit together with coal and natural gas.

The expectation of offshore wind energy is distinguished. One key to realizing this expectation behest be the arrival of floating platforms that behest stomach the winds free burdensome waters to be harvested weakness the need for bottom-mounted foundations which would be prohibitively castle in the sky.

Of trail, floating wind turbine platforms contemporary a topic of challenges in their own proficient and Researchers around the world are worker to defeat them. One such product that has in some way operated "under the radar" is a crass floating wind turbine-desalination rambler that has been mechanized and deployed by a buy of Greek pollster centers, companies and universities.

This strip appears in the April/May 2008 argument of WindTech Overall -- an more review of the furthermost up-to-date information on wind energy developments around the world. (GW)

Suspended Loop TURBINE

By Theodore Lilas and Nikatas Nikitakos

WindTech Overall

April/May 2008

Means of transport of filtered hose from mainland or better islands is an incon-venient dose to the hose insufficiency inconvenience, of small islands in southern Europe at the same time as together with such transportation the damage of the hose goes up to 10 per cubic metre. Desalination of seawater can be one of the solutions technology can carry. The damage of production is calculatingly lower than. However, submit are inconvenience in this process pertinent to the lightweight energy look forward to, the use of chemi-cals in animated emerald areas, and the disposal of sea water. But by combin-ing persons resources that are to be form in large amount in these islands, such as wind, sun and sea hose, it should be ability to realize one resource that they are shameless in: potable hose.

Based on this suspicion, a floating, independent desalination tour of duty has been assumed and mechanized by a buy of Greek companies, universities and research centres. A pilot tour of duty has been produced that uses sea hose as feedwater, and the wind and sun as energy sources for producing 70,000 litres of potable hose newspaper, a big money include the newspaper desires of three hundred fill with.

The pilot tour of duty was anchored, and has now been worker for 9 months, off Iraklia, a small isle in the Aegean Sea. Diverse other small islands in this region ambiance firm hose shortages in the sphere of the dry genre, which coincides together with the lightweight explorer aroma of the Greek archipelago.

THE Loop Age group Amount

For a topic of reasons the insert approach in wind energy production is to give rise to offshore wind farms. These reasons experience manager wind speed, patronizing wind release, and regional emerald consciousness.

In northern Europe, offshore wind farms are express in incidence all the charge helped by the pretty rise seas for a few distance departure from the coastline (e.g. in Baltic areas), which allows the wind generators to be fixed to the seabed.

In the Mediterranean region, as add as in Japan and the USA, where the sea comprehensiveness is by far huge, big floating wind farms can be a advisable dose, and thus a lot of research product is cur-rently invested in this release.


The inconvenience of hose curiosity and short-ages in the sphere of a dry genre is to be more precise com-mon in bountiful parts of the world. This is the ruling for furthermost of the hundreds of islands in the Mediterranean region that ambiance wandering motherland mention and hose curiosity in the sphere of the summer genre every one rendezvous.

Desalination, which is the process of removing soluble salts from hose in cycle to render it advisable for consumption, irrigation and industrial uses, is typi-cally second hand in coastal and isle regions for addressing hose curiosity inconvenience. Desalination of stealthy (generally salty) hose risks familiar together with the intercession of seawater now the under-ground hose celebrity. The very statistics favour the use of desalination units in the islands for the production or potable hose from sea hose. However, desalination units are energy-demand-ing installations and thus the expense of the hose created silt pretty lightweight. As well, the damage of producing electricity in the islands is facing sig-nificantly manager than on the mainland at the same time as they are not correlated to a mess power rub. As an alternative wind turbines have been installed on bountiful islands, but the ritual of wind parks on small islands faces' a lot of difficulties, and in furthermost hand baggage becomes inconvenient, due to the denial of infra-structure such as breach relations, construc-tion companies and stuff (cranes, bulldozers, loaders, etc). In store, the denial of connection to a mess power rub tends to structure over-reliance on wind power unwise. Consequently the ritual and cleaning of wind parks on only, small islands is a carrying out held back together with dif-ficulties that has repeatedly proved unviable from the profitable top of awareness.

Remote first-rate inconvenience for desalina-tion units experience the emerald consciousness of conventional onshore units. The hose intakes, the sea water composi-tion (among the chemicals that are often second hand in square units), and the exception of sea water (together with the chemicals) in an rainy-day limit, are all inconvenience that can have a sober consciousness addressed and solved by the floating tour of duty described in this strip, which is power-driven by environmentally melt energy sources and has the fur-ther advantages of:

* low-priced damage of connection relating the units, so have a yen mesh trans-mission is not required;
* the casual of mail of the tour of duty far from villages, so that it does not dose the residents;
* the casual of transporting the tour of duty, so that it is ability to degree patronizing utilisation in different regions depending on the requisites.

Puzzling Conclusive

The wind power-driven floating desalination tour of duty mechanized and described near is an built-in dose that combines all the in the past mentioned advantages.

A 30KW wind turbine (Approve Loop Sweden) produces and supplies, immediate snooty electrical and electronic ener-gy devolution components, energy to a desalination tour of duty that uses a invalidate osmosis sense to realize 70,000 litres of potable hose from the sea on a newspaper analyze. No chemical additives are second hand in the desalination process. The untrained rambler fix on a delightful floating stand up. The stand up is assumed in such a way that the wind turbine and the untrained system behest expend tedious in substandard weather requisites. The effect is an eco-logically dependable sea hose manipulation rambler for producing potable hose for only, small islands. The system is at once of an assortment of subsystems coil turbine, desali-nation tour of duty, pumping tour of duty, etc' that can be demoralized with detachment.

The system described represents the apex habitually fully-functional floating wind turbine where in the world, so the tour of duty can-not be restrained to be plaza a fashion at the same time as it has been using the power that it produces in an understood spring up opera-tional desalination rambler for the pen 15 months. For the pen nine of persons months the tour of duty has been anchored obstruct the isle of Iraklia in the Aegean Sea.

Participating in this charge the desalination unit's production and energy tidiness has been patronizing. Vital advances in similar to conventional desalination units have multiuse building minimising the scaling and foul-ing things on the membranes, on the rise the energy tidiness of the outing and avoiding any chemical manipulation.

The floating hose production tour of duty is independent, which plan that no con-nection to a mess power rub or diesel generator is essential. In the role of it is a floating structure, it is ability that great units can be built in ship-yards and towed to somewhere they are to be installed. It is clear that such installation need not be firm but can be news report or intermittent for serv-ing predetermined wishes. The structure complies together with the submerged defense regula-tions and the wishes of the clas-sification societies.

An relevant inspiration of the insert system is that it is adapted to oper-ate together with a anecdotal power main, which enables it to use all the disappearing wind power. Consequently, when the wind speed is manager higher power is generated and used up, for this reason on the rise me big money of the potable hose created. A advance father of the system is that it is spring up sure, somewhat control-led and can be tele-operated.

THE Put on

The apex copy of the supporting plat-form measures 20 x 20 metres. As can be seen in the news, the stand up includes five flashy floatation cylinders. The unsophisticated move is together by a tubular connect to four cylinders to be found around the upper hand of the stand up. The cen-tral move is cleft now three com-partments. At the point is the potable hose dividing up, in the sympathy is the desalination rambler dividing up, and at the top is the main span compart-ment. A 22-metre lightweight escalation, the base of which rests on the unsophisticated move, hosts the wind turbine.

The system's plan and arrival uses approaches and research results gaunt from an assortment of cloth industrial domains. The handiwork of the plat-form took father of the input finishing disappearing in the shipbuilding private grounds and this contributed to the devel-opment of a precisely helpful system. All the main components are provided by European manufacturers.

The insert copy provides an aver-age hose production up to 70,000 litres newspaper, which corresponds to the desires of in the region of three hundred fill with. Fat units are strictly physically possible and economically higher slick. The next copy is uniform to realize higher than 1 million litres per day, together with just a fourfold mention in stuff charge.

The system has so far faced winds of up to 120km/hour, weakness any prob-lem. At the actual charge the stand up is without a doubt a research laboratory, shipping an assortment of sensors, skill measurers and log-ging units that understand information on wind and water-related parameters. Consequently it behest carry the research commu-nity together with skill that behest serve to be on your feet the on the rise use of renewable energy sources by ecologically aware economically effi-cient floating wind parks.


The arrival of the floating, envi-ronmentally melt desalination tour of duty for producing potable hose is consid-ered to be an relevant precise dose for addressing hose insufficiency inconvenience in only and isle commu-nities international.

The envisaged system incorporates a topic of liberal admit additional persons original future. Offer are liberal improvements to the energy giving out and desalination process-es, as add as in the unit's accidental to expend weakness any chemical pre-treatment of the sea water; these are in store to the ingenuity of the plan of the float-ing stand up together with its need to be on your feet an operational wind turbine.

In recruit, the system plan provides the following advantages:

* it can be constructed in spaces where all the services and possessions are available;
* the completed rambler can be plainly towed to the play of operation;
* it has the expectation to seminar the wandering hose curiosity inconvenience of only, small islands;
* submit is a restrict in installation expenses;
* it overcomes any constraints of clear up availability;
* it avoids firm disturbance;
* it likewise reduces the emerald consciousness and stresses to the training.

The on purpose dose encourages the use of renewable resources and avoids the emerald consciousness that is associ-ated together with the hazard of new relations that are usually essential when constructing new land-based wind parks mutually together with the dissemination broadcasting obligatory for an onshore desalination tour of duty. The system makes use of sea liberty in a sustainable way using an environmen-tally melt process for addressing the chief argument of faint hose resources; a inconvenience biological to good turn higher eager in the light of the hopeless scenarios of get through currency international.

Affair gained so far proves that the pub motherland is by far higher posi-tive surrounding floating desalination units in similar to land-based ones so they fail to see firm installations and constant emerald consciousness.

An intermittent alternative use for the sys-tem would be in post-disaster situations, precisely in coastal areas, at the same time as it might be towed to the limit and put now production (of electricity as add as hose) pretty in brief.